Making A New Trend In Poster Printing

Successful businesses know the importance of building and maintaining good working relationships, whether it is with partners, employees, business or trade organizations, the government, media representatives, vendors, consumers, or the community at large. A business must carefully balance the benefits of these interpersonal relationships and should never allow these relationships to blind their judgment especially when it relates to what is in the best interest of the business’s continued success and growth


Buying advertising media based on interpersonal relationships is a common mistake made by many small businesses. This strategy throws the business’s strategic marketing plan into the winds of chance in exchange for the warm and fuzzy feelings that come with doing business among friends. However, when the smoke clears the business has made costly advertising expenditures with little or no results and the long term negative effects may not readily be seen. Simply, the marketing / advertising expenditures have been made, the budget may or may not be busted, and the results may be none to little measurable penetration into the business’s target demographic market segment.

The Function Of The Logo

Is buying media from a friend in the business always bad? No, however in order to choose the most effective media channels a business must first consider the audience or customer it is trying to reach. Developing a strong sense of the target demographics’ buying and shopping patterns, interests and hobbies, entertainment and media choices for example will lend itself a tremendous benefit to making informed media buying choices. Once the advertising business has developed a strong sense of what media channels may prove to be the most effective it should try each a little at a time carefully tracking the results of each. Once this is complete the business will be able to make an educated decision on where to invest its marketing dollars, prioritizing expenditures into the mediums that have proven results for the business.


It is true that strong interpersonal relationships skills and the ability to develop and maintain good working relationships with a variety of people, businesses, and other organizations are imperative in today’s business environments. However, the importance of a well designed and implemented strategic marketing plan can not be understated and is paramount to the business’s development and longevity never taking second seat to friendship.

Delia Graham

Change Your Mind Change Your Luck

Feedback Management

In this digital generation where information can be easily obtained within seconds, business cards still have retained their importance in the achievement of increased business exposure and business sales. If your business already has a bunch of printed cards distributed to a number of potential customers and yet you do not see any improvement in your market reach, then it’s high time to revamp your old business card. Take out your business card and look at it in an objective point of view. If you were the customer, would you want to keep the card, or throw it away? Are the fonts on the card too diminutive for clear reading? Or is your design reflective of what your company is in business for?


Most businessmen have their company cards printed based on their own subjective preferences, never really taking into consideration if the business cards deliver the necessary message for maximum business impact in such a minimum space. Online connectivity has made it possible for businesses and clients to communicate without hassle, yet it is the business cards which reinforce the presence of the business even in the absence of the Internet. Thus, even when your clients are vacationing in a deserted island, or have gone camping on a mountain side where Internet connection is hard to come by, they are still able to access your business information through the business card, and even better to give your card to a prospective client.

96 St James Boulevard



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